WTDS-32 DC Fuse Link 10x38mm
The DC FUSE LINK model WTDS-32 is a DC current fuse connector. It is usually used in DC circuits to protect the circuit from damage caused by faults such as overload and short circuits. The model of WTDS-32 means its rated current is 32 amperes. This type of fuse connector usually has replaceable fuse elements to replace the fuse in the event of a malfunction without the need to replace the entire connector. Its use in DC circuits can ensure the safety and reliability of the circuit.
A range of 10x38mm fuse lin ks specifically designedfor protecting photovoltaic strings. These fuse linksare capable of interrupting low overcurrentsasso ciated with faulted photovoltaic string arrays(reverse current, multi-array fault)
WHDS PV DC 1500V FUSE LINK 10x85mm
DC 1500V FUSE LINK is a 1500V fuse link used in DC circuits. WHDS is the specific model name of the model. This type of fuse link is used to protect the circuit from faults such as overcurrent and short circuits. It usually consists of an internal fuse and an external connector, which can quickly cut off the current to protect equipment and components in the circuit. This type of fuse link is commonly used for DC circuit protection in industrial and power systems.
A range of 10x85mm PV fuses specificially designedfor prote cting and isolating photovoltaic strings. Thesefuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrentsassociated with faulted PV systems (reverse current,multi-array fault). Available in four mounting styles forapplication flexibility
The DC FUSE of the WTDS model is a DC current fuse. DC FUSE is an overload protection device used in DC circuits. It can disconnect the circuit to prevent excessive current from passing through, thereby protecting the circuit and equipment from the risk of damage or fire.
Fuse features light in weight, small in size, low inpower loss and high in breaking ca pacity. This producthas been widely used in overload and short circuitprotection of electric installation. This productconforms to ICE 60269 standard with all of the ratingatthe world advan ced level
WTHB Fuse Type Switch Disconnector
The fuse type switch disconnector of the WTHB series is a type of switch device used to disconnect circuits and protect electrical equipment. This switching device combines the functions of a fuse and a knife switch, which can cut off current when needed and provide short circuit and overload protection.
The fuse type switch disconnector of the WTHB series typically consists of a detachable fuse and a switch with a knife switch mechanism. Fuses are used to disconnect circuits to prevent the current from exceeding the set value under overload or short circuit conditions. The switch is used to manually cut off the circuit.
This type of switching device is commonly used in low-voltage power systems, such as industrial and commercial buildings, distribution boards, etc. They can be used to control the power supply and power outage of electrical equipment, as well as protect equipment from overload and short circuit damage.
The fuse type switch disconnector of the WTHB series has reliable disconnection and protection functions, and is easy to install and operate. They usually comply with international standards and safety requirements, and play an important role in electrical systems.